Summer-Ready Success Workshop

Get ready to turn up the heat and unlock your summer success by watching this empowering training designed exclusively for mompreneurs like you!

What you'll learn:

  • Proven strategies to boost productivity and maximize your summer success
  • Practical tips for balancing work, family, and self-care during the busy summer months
  • Actionable steps to grow your business, attract new clients, and increase profitability
  • Inspirational insights to ignite your motivation and elevate your entrepreneurial journey

Who Should Attend: This workshop is perfect for mompreneurs at all stages of their journey who are ready to embrace their full potential, unlock new opportunities, and achieve summer-ready success!

Why Attend: Connect with like-minded mompreneurs and build a supportive community. Walk away with actionable strategies and resources to implement immediately. Elevate your mindset, motivation, and momentum for a summer filled with success!

Here’s what you’ll get in this 60 min virtual workshop. 

*Expert Teaching

with Life & Business Coach Martine Williams 

*Summer-Ready Success Guide

 A printable PDF with some extras to boost your summertime results.

*Community Connection

Connect with other high-achieving mompreneurs and professionals who are committed to Progress Over Perfection.

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

-Howard Thurman